Friday, July 11, 2014

The wonderful art of woodworking

The wonderful art of woodworking
 written by: Michael Monev

In these days of technological advancements it's really a shame to see many traditional crafts slowly dying. One such craft is woodworking - the process of creating incredible items from one of the most abundant and also renewable resources on Earth: wood. It is an ancient art that can be traced back to the era of Neanderthals. Early humans had only access to stone, mud, and wood, so woodworking has been an integral part of human society for quite a while. Not only that, but wood also played an essential role in the development of human civilization - in both cultural and construction aspects.

Today, wood is most used as a resource for mass production construction of buildings such as homes or apartments . It is becoming harder and harder to find devoted artisans as there is little demand for wooden art. Below, I will list several reasons why it is a wonderful thing to work with wood.

Wood is natural
Whether it's about a sculpture, a chest to store your belongings, or just a piece of furniture, wooden items have a link with nature. In many cultures, forests and trees are associated with wisdom and longevity. The more this material is present at your home, in the form of various items, the better the feeling of a natural environment would be. Because wood has been part of the human life for thousands of years, keeping it close to you delivers an additional feeling of calmness and tranquility. Can you relax in an office where everything is made of glass and metal? And now imagine that same office having a stylish wooden desk with ornaments, a small figurine on top of it, a polished cabinet next to the wall... Brings an entire different atmosphere, doesn't it?

Wood is easy to work with
All you need to work with wood is a simple set of tools. When artisans carve figurines, they enjoy what they do. They can easily apply their imagination on the piece before them. And they also pass on all the joy and fun they have to their artworks. If you have the heart you can feel the creators' emotions through their works. This cannot be so easily achieved with other materials because it's a lot harder to shape and manipulate them.

You can find it anywhere
As we already established, wood is an abundant resource. It's everywhere around us. It's true that most crafts require a specific type of wood, but if you're not picky you can use pretty much any type you can get your hands on. It may be a problem if you are trying to craft a musical instrument (for example, a violin), but it won't stop you from making a trinket or a figurine. And if you really need a particular type for your project, you can easily find a supplier, order it, and have it delivered to you.

It's durable
After proper treatment, wood can last for a long while. A very long one. Timber products were found in the pyramids, and they were still good, thousands of years later! So it's safe to assume that whatever you create with wood will live on for centuries to come. And what better way to pass on your spirit to the following generations than to do so through your wooden pieces of art?

Wood is a classic material
Because of the human attachment to this matter, there is a certain amount of aristocracy about it. It's undeniable that most nobles worldwide order handcrafted wooden furniture for their places of residence. Many classic musical instruments are worth millions because of the unique sound produced by the combination of a specific type of wood with the skillful craft of a master. Wood is a high-class material, which, in the right hands, can become an object worthy of the history books.

Woodworking is definitely a craft worthy of attention. The magnificence of wooden items should be present at every home. People need to appeal to their naturalistic side and realize the great potential this trade has. For something that will outlive us by centuries, wood works can preserve our impressions, ideas and passions into one tiny little sculpture, a great way to achieve artistic immortality. And if you are just an admirer of the art - support the artists by getting some of their work for you to appreciate and be the proud owner of something unique, the result of a lot of hard work and passion.

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